Multiple payment methods are available for both non-EU/EEA and EU/EEA students. We have made an overview of these possibilities below.

First Year Students

Payment of the tuition fees can be done directly to Saxion via bank transfer, stating your name and student number. More information will follow during the admission procedure. 

Payment in installments is not possible as a first year NON-EU/EEA student, you will need to pay for the whole year directly. From the second year on, payment in installments will be possible. 

You can pay the tuition fees directly to Saxion via bank transfer, stating your name and student number. More information will follow during the admission procedure. You can also pay through digital direct debit authorisation in Studielink. 

You can choose if you want to pay in instalments or pay for the whole year directly. 

Rabobank Netherlands (Dutch bank) implemented a new procedure for students with one of the nationalities mentioned above. Once you had been admitted, you will receive a bank statement from Saxion. Please fill this form in and return it to us. The Financial Department will promptly review it and, if approved, will send you an invoice for the programme you have been admitted to. We will provide detailed instructions on how to process the statement within the document itself.  

Please note: If someone else is paying the package fee on your behalf, they will need to sign the statement with a handwritten signature. 

Please be aware: If you cancel your application/registration after payment of the invoice, Saxion can only refund the payment to the person and bank account number from which we received the (foreign) payment. 

Re-enrolling students

As a re-enrolling student you will be able to pay in instalments (if you have a Dutch bank account) or pay for the whole year directly. 

You can easily arrange this through digital direct debit authorisation in Studielink when you are re-enrolling. In order to do this you must select the task <Enter your payment details> in your <To Do List> in Studielink and complete your details. Subsequently, the Student registration will progress your payment details. 

In case you need to have a re-enrolment invoice for the bank transfer, please contact [email protected] 

As a re-enrolling student you will be able to pay in instalments (if you have a Dutch or SEPA bank account) or pay for the whole year directly. 

You can easily arrange this through digital direct debit authorisation in Studielink when you are re-enrolling. In order to do this you must select the task <Enter your payment details> in your <To Do List> in Studielink and complete your details. Subsequently, the Student registration will progress your payment details. 

There is a new re-enrolment procedure regarding Rabobank Netherlands clients. Students coming from Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Sudan or Cuba can only pay their tuition fee using a digital direct debit authorization via Studielink. 

You can easily arrange this through digital direct debit authorisation in Studielink when you are re-enrolling. In order to do this you must select the task <Enter your payment details> in your <To Do List> in Studielink and complete your details. Subsequently, the Student registration will progress your payment details. 

When will the tuition fees be collected?

Go to: for more information about the amounts to be paid and download an overview of the collection date and term amounts via the links below. 

The collection date and term amounts for 2024 - 2025
The collection date and term amounts for 2023 – 2024

If you want to make a payment, always mention your student number in the payment. 

  • NL54 RABO 0129 6240 63, BIC RABONL2U 

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