When going to study abroad, it's good to know what to expect financially. As a fulltime EU/EEA student, you may be eligible for student finance. DUO will give you a small insight in the possibilities.

The organisation DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs), part of Dutch Ministery of Education, Culture and Science, is mostly known for providing students with student finance. The information below is written on 20 October 2023 and may have undergone changes in the meantime. No rights can be derived from this information.

Student Finance Consist of Various Components 👇

If a student is following higher professional education or university, money can be borrowed to pay the tuition fees. We call this tuition fee loan credit. The amount of tuition fee loan credit a student receives depends on the type of tuition fees that they pay. The tuition fee credit must always be repaid after the course, with interest.

Want to find out if you are eligible for one of the components mentioned above or do you have any other questions?

Contact DUO here!

Residing in Enschede? You are able to visit DUO at the city hall. Please make sure to schedule an appointment before visiting. Click to schedule appointment here.

Visit https://www.inburgeren.nl/en/contact/contacting-duo.jsp for more information or contact details.

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