Making your study choice
Choosing a study programme... for some it might be an easy job, while others don't know where to start. Whether you have no idea, are in doubt, or have already made up your mind: there are several ways to find the study programme that suits you best. How? Check out below!
Check out all our English programmes
Study programmesWhat makes your heart beat faster? It might be a good idea to start discovering your interests. How? You can ask yourself the following questions:
- What subjects do you like at school?
- What are you good at?
- What kind of work do you like?
- What do your parents or friends think suits you best?
One important thing to know when it comes to studying abroad is the how the education system works in this country. Saxion is a university of Applied Sciences, learn what it means here.
Have you found one or more study programmes you like? Great, it's time for the next step: get in-depth info about it.
Join us online for a Digital Discovery Day (bachelor) or the Online Orientation Event (master) During livestream sessions, you can ask our lecturers and students all your questions about your (future?) study programme.
For more personal guidance, we pair you with one of our current international students. You will be a student for a day! This is the perfect way to see yourself studying at Saxion. During this day, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- Can you see yourself doing this?
- Do the subjects appeal to you?
- Do your expectations correspond with the experiences you will have during this day?
When you have chosen a study programme, it is time for the final step: your application!
After you have applied, we'll help you get prepared with our student onboarding programme. Starting your studies abroad is an exciting and wonderful opportunity. But requires you to prepare and arrange a wide range of matters. Don't worry, together we'll prepare you for a flying start at Saxion!