
Meet Mitchelle, Saxion's Wellbeing Officer

Victoria Kremer
Victoria Kremer Reading time Minutes

At Saxion, we deeply care about the wellbeing of our students. We had a chat with Mitchelle Muchuchuti, our Wellbeing Officer, to learn more about what is happening regarding the students well-being experience here at Saxion.

It's important, to be honest with ourselves and not be afraid to say when we're not feeling well.

What do you do as the wellbeing officer at Saxion? 

I act as a liaison between the International Office and the Study Success Centre. While I am not a professional psychologist, I focus on creating programmes to strengthen the community among Dutch and International students, by focusing on different areas of wellbeing, including physical, mental, and social wellbeing and I also help promote services at Saxion. I work closely with my colleague, Joy Douma, a trainee on Social Bonding, and together we work with various teams to make sure students are aware of what's happening at Saxion, and we work with different stakeholders to make sure students have the help they need. 

How are you working to strengthen the community between Dutch and international students? 

At Saxion, our goal is to support student wellbeing by addressing multiple factors as we are aware wellbeing is a broad topic that can be influenced by so many (global) factors such as health, career, finances, and economic conditions. We aim to integrate Dutch and International students through programs and activities such as Wellbeing Week. During this event, we balance language preferences, encourage students to participate in activities and focus on activities that promote physical, mental, and social wellbeing. We keep in mind that while both Dutch and International students have similar interests, they have different experiences and interests, and we strive to address these differences in creative ways. 

What kind of support, services and programmes are offered to the students regarding wellbeing? 

In general, the Study Success Centre at Saxion includes Student Counsellors, Deans, Study Skills Coaches, and Confidentials for support in cases of harassment, assault, planning, time management, impediments or psychological issues to name a few. The Service Desk, located at both Deventer and Enschede, is a resource for students to ask questions regarding tuition fees, scholarships, and general school information. Study (Career) Counsellors are also available for students within each Study Academy (e.g. School of Business, School of Engineering etc.). In addition, Saxion offers various programmes such as Sustainability Week, Wellbeing Week, Diversity and Inclusion events, Winter Program and Summer Programme and Global Village and more to meet the diverse needs of students and strengthen the community within and outside of Saxion. 

What are the FAQ’s from students regarding wellbeing in general? 

The first one is: “What are the activities happening within Saxion?" And the second, "What services are within Saxion?'' Saxion offers various activities, workshops and programs for students, from either within their Study Academy, Study Associations, Student Associations, the International Office or the Study Success Centre, either fun activities or more indepth workshops to best guide the student throughout the student journey. However, we are aware that it can be difficult for students to navigate and stay informed. Regarding services, most students are aware that their study (career) counsellor is the first point of contact for questions pertaining to the study programme or Saxion as a whole. Though some students have expressed not being able to connect with their study (career) counsellor or counsellors not being fully aware of all the services and events offered. Since there can be a lot going on at any given time, it can be a challenge to be aware of all the offerings by Saxion.  

Where can students find this information?  

We try to make this information more readily available through Wellbeing Wednesdays on Instagram and Facebook, word of mouth, Narrow Castings and posters/flyers depending on the activity we are promoting. We are promoting services and events on social media to increase student awareness. We also reshare information at different times to reach more students while also keeping in mind the students' current mood and timing, for example, to avoid discussing sensitive topics during exam times. There is a web page on MijnSaxion regarding student counsellors, but it can be difficult to find the information needed. However, Saxion is working to improve this.

What are the biggest problems students face regarding their wellbeing? 

International and Dutch students have similar concerns regarding their wellbeing, with the main areas of concern being financial and/or career, physical, and social. However, international students have more difficulty, as they must start a new chapter sometimes alone with nothing known or familiar to them. For example, regarding financial wellbeing, international students need a work permit and potentially must face a long waiting period before it is issued. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on their social wellbeing, which made it a challenge to make new friends, especially in a new place. Career wellbeing is also a concern for international students when arriving in the Netherlands with high expectations for better opportunities. Language may be a barrier, although English is widely used, knowing Dutch can provide more opportunities. 

Are there any upcoming events or projects that you're working on for wellbeing in general that students can look forward to? 

The Winter Programme at Saxion recently included a self-love mug activity, followed by a painting session for Erasmus students on January 18th. The Summer Programme, open to both Dutch and International students, will include activities such as bowling, trips, walks, and city center drinks, to name a few. Both the Summer and Winter Programme occur yearly, so stay tuned for updates! 

Is there a group of students that can like get together to talk about wellbeing or a support system among students? 

The question of whether there is a support system in place is a tricky one. While there is the opportunity to create a sense of community, such as through the winter programme's group chat, it's not always a concrete system. The positive side is that students can get to know each other through these activities, but it's not guaranteed that they will maintain these connections outside of the organized events. Sometimes, students may feel hesitant to open up to others if they don't know them well. Overall, while these programmes provide the chance for a support system to form, it's not a guaranteed outcome. 

What does wellbeing mean to you? 

Wellbeing means someone feeling comfortable and safe to open up and share their challenges, rather than feeling pressure to hide them. It's important to be honest with ourselves and not be afraid to say when we're not feeling well. 

My biggest tip is having self-discipline and the ability to start. It sounds simple, but sometimes we struggle with just taking the first step. Therefore, just start. 

What is your biggest wellbeing tip for students?  

I have noticed that most/majority of students are aware or at least have an idea of tips and tricks or activities that can be done for their wellbeing, for instance taking a walk, running, meditation, reading a book, talking to a friend, journaling, to name a few. Therefore, I do not want to sound cliché and say, “do these things for better overall wellbeing.” However, the challenge is finding the motivation to start and maintain these good habits. Therefore, my biggest tip is having self-discipline and the ability to start. It sounds simple, but sometimes we struggle with just taking the first step. Therefore, just start. 

Victoria Kremer

Victoria Kremer

Creative Content Specialist for international students at Saxion

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