Become a software engineer and make the world a smarter place
- Degree
- Start date
- Location
- Duration
4 Years
- Tuition fee (EU/EEA students)
€ 2,601 per year
- Tuition fee (NON-EU students)
€ 9,030 per year
ICT is everywhere around you. Many solutions require technical know-how and creative insight into what users want and what technology can offer. The ICT - Software Engineering programme will provide you with a solid knowledge basis that you can apply to ICT products. The programme focuses on software engineering. Based on your personal preference you can choose a personal route through the programme. Based on this route you can specialise in one of the following fields: Big Data Technology, Internet of Things, Web and mobile development or Human Machine interaction.
Projects in collaboration with professionals
Starting from the first year you will already be working on practical ICT assignments. Right from the first customer contact, you will start working on assignments. The work ranges from drafting design requirements to designing and building solutions, testing them and submitting them.
Choose your own route
The world of ICT is wide-ranging. After acquiring the necessary technical know-how in the first two years, you will choose your own area of specialisation in software engineering during the main phase of the programme.
International work
When co-operating in international teams you will discover that expectations regarding management, dealing with colleagues, giving feedback, asking questions and so forth, differ owing to cultural differences. You will learn how this affects communication in IT and how we can deal with it in global teams.
Apply now
Check the deadlines and apply through Studielink. Please note: you have to sign up for the programme 'Information and Communication Technology'.
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During your study programme
ICT is omnipresent and new possibilities are discovered every day! As an expert, you are desperately needed, especially if you think in terms of solutions and have considerable technical knowledge. During the HBO-ICT degree programme, you are trained to become an ICT professional who knows what people need. With your computer skills and social competences you are a valuable employee for many companies.
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After graduation
Once you have graduated, you may carry the title Bachelor of Science and you will have become an ICT expert who knows exactly how the latest innovative technologies work and how you use them. The demand for ICT professionals is high and therefore you will have plenty of great jobs to choose from.
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering - Information and Communication Technology
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