
Dive into Entrepreneurship with YOSHI: Vladislav Volosevic's Inspiring Journey

Maarten Bas Backer Reading time Minutes

Are you a student eager to discover and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit? Look no further than Your Online Side Hustle International (YOSHI)! It's not your typical program; it's a ticket to turning your wildest business dreams into reality. We chatted with Vladislav Volosevic, a tech-savvy student from Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, to get the lowdown on how YOSHI kickstarted his entrepreneurial journey.

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From Lithuania to the Netherlands: An Opportunity Odyssey

Meet Vladislav Volosevic, an innovative 27-year-old from Lithuania. He set his sights on a degree in Applied Computer Science at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, driven by a vision to secure his financial future and support his family back home. The Netherlands was a no-brainer with its part-time work opportunities and student-friendly financial aid. His journey abroad wasn't the original plan, but life had other ideas. Little did he know that this adventure would be the birthplace of his very own business.

Twente Movers: From Joke to Business Brilliance

Vladislav's journey into entrepreneurship took an unexpected twist when a joke from a friend sparked the birth of Twente Movers in 2018. What started as a casual idea quickly snowballed into a serious business. Vladislav noticed a gap in the Dutch customer service scene, especially in the moving and related services department. Twente Movers swooped in to rescue students and expats with their moving, cleaning, and fixing needs. It was a service born out of necessity, fuelled by Vladislav's determination to tackle real-world problems. As demand soared, Twente Movers spread its wings.

The Impact of Your Online Side Hustle

YOSHI, a 20-week adventure founded by Saxion's Centre for Entrepreneurship, played an important role in Vladislav's entrepreneurial journey. It provided him with valuable guidance from experts like business coach Maarten Bas Backer, who not only helped Vladislav identify his weaknesses but also offered valuable feedback.

The program offered a comprehensive entrepreneurial experience, covering everything from brainstorming to sales strategies and from branding to the magic of marketing. Moreover, it connected Vladislav with accomplished guest speakers, who generously shared their battle-tested wisdom, providing him with a fresh perspective and bucketloads of inspiration.

Why Choose Your Online Side Hustle International?

Vladislav is a die-hard advocate for YOSHI, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs. He enthusiastically praises the mentors' steadfast support and the real-world know-how he picked up during lectures and interactions with fellow students. One of Vladislav’s game-changing takeaways from YOSHI was laser-sharp focus. The program pushed him to zero in on his ideas and build a business with a clear vision. This newfound clarity allowed him to channel his energy and resources like a pro. Vladislav is convinced that the program's discipline and structured approach are secret weapons for turning dreamers into doers. YOSHI isn't just about business – it equips you with life skills you'll carry forever.

Looking Ahead: Twente Movers and Beyond

As Vladislav's entrepreneurial journey charges on, he's got big plans to reinvest and launch new ventures. He's on the hunt for ideas that tackle social issues and make communities better. And here's the kicker: Vladislav's ready to dive into YOSHI again, not just to supercharge his current business but to explore fresh horizons! The program's structured guidance and disciplined approach are the safety net he needs to chase his entrepreneurial dreams.

In a Nutshell

Vladislav Volosevic's story is living proof of the magic of entrepreneurship and the transformative power of programs like YOSHI. If you're a student with an interest in entrepreneurship and a burning desire to leave your mark on the business world, it's time to dive into the entrepreneurial deep end. Who knows? You might be the next star on the rise, following in Vladislav's footsteps, and turning your side hustle into a flourishing business empire. YOSHI starts again on September 27th, so register now!

Register for YOSHI

Maarten Bas Backer

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