Saxion buddy box
Student life

Saxion Buddy Box a big succes!

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Far away from family and friends, in a foreign country, alone in a room. You wouldn't wish that on anybody, but for many of our international students that is the reality now. A large number of them cannot or do not want to go home now.

To help these students and let them know that they have not been forgotten, two colleagues have created the Saxion Buddy Box.

First Buddy Boxes handed out 

This week the first Buddy Boxes have been distributed. The cheerfully packed shoe boxes are full of fun and tasty items. But most important is ‘the message in a shoebox’, namely become Buddies by a personal message with contact details. Renate Bik, one of the initiators explains: “It’s heart-warming, all the students are so grateful and happy. We hope this makes them feel more at home. This is one of the nicest things I have ever done.”  

Reactions international students 

We are also receiving lovely messages from the students. Below is a small selection. Do you want to see more reactions from students? Then check out our Instagram stories

I received a Buddy Box and I love it! Thank you so much for this thoughtful attention, it's very nice to have this kind of support in this weird situation. Thanks a lot!

I got my box this evening. I appreciate it very much and am grateful that Saxion can be so caring. We try our human best to keep safe and well. Keeping in touch! Many thanks!

Become a buddy and receive a Buddy Box!  

Are you an international Saxion student? Would you like to sign up for a Saxion Buddy Box and get to know your Saxion Buddy? Click the link and apply here!

Want to know more?

Then please contact one of the initiators via [email protected]

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