Saxion buddy box
Student life

Help international students, send a Saxion Buddy Box

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A large number of our international students can't, or don't want to, go home. Because of the corona measures there is a chance that they might feel alone, far away from family and friends. To help these students and to show them that we care, we have started the Saxion Buddy Box initiative!

The Saxion Buddy Box, what does it mean?

You fill a shoebox (Buddy Box) at home with goodies to give to an international student! The most important thing, of course, is that as a Saxion employee or student you offer to be a buddy. We ask you to fill the box with a few small items and think of some actions on how you can help the student. A few suggestions:

  • Videochat via Teams in which the student can ask questions 
  • Advice on practical things like grocery shopping, sharing (typically Dutch!) recipes, or maybe even virtually cook together.
  • Online mini course Dutch
  • Suggestions as to where to find free online audiobooks or free music
  • Information about fun actions in Enschede, Deventer or Apeldoorn

Note: You will be offering help and assistance online. Meeting the student in person is not recommended at this point. We closely follow the advice of the RIVM.

Sign up now!

>> Sign up now as a Buddy

We will send you further instructions and information. By participating in this project you can be an invaluable Saxion Buddy for one of our international students. Their family will thank you as well. We are in this together!

Renate Bik, Marketing and Communications: [email protected]
Marion Hemsing, International Office: [email protected]


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