Student life

A Beer Brewed with Hope - Conscious Business Challenge

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International Business students in Deventer are raising funds by selling a special beer to support Nepalese orphans with a one-year coaching & education programme. 

Mountain Child Care is an organisation based in Nepal which aims to give orphans the chance of a better future. Their mission is to enable the children, when they leave the orphanage, to participate in and contribute to society in a confident and dynamic manner.

International Business students are supporting this mission by raising funds, as part of the Honours Programme – From Good To Great. This is a great opportunity for the students to make a big impact! 

The Conscious Business Challenge

The Conscious Business Challenge is a Top Talent Programme of Saxion International Business School. The goal of the programme is to develop students to become conscious business professionals.

The students are trained in a context of “International Business”. During this programme they will be challenged by Saxion facilitators to build their own learning environment and work on ambitious, real life events. 

By doing so they are experiencing their own unique contribution as individuals. Furthermore they get the experience of the power of working together towards a common goal.

More about Mountain Child Care 

Supporting Nepalese youngsters to identify and develop their particular talents helps them create a better future for themselves. Boys and girls from 17 to 20 years old, living in children homes or street children that have joined a rehabilitation program, risk falling into the poverty trap because, for the vast majority, there is no plan in place for them to bridge the gap between the children home and society. 

As they reach 18 these young adults normally have to leave the organisation. Most have no family or relatives to help with housing and food and are forced to accept very low-paid jobs, often below subsistence wages. Few ever break out of this cycle of poverty and despair, and learn how to develop their potential and become financially independent adults.

A beer Brewed with Hope

Order your beer and support this mission!

If you want to support this project, this is your chance: A special beer has been brewed for this occasion. The beer is special because it’s labeled by disable people in the Netherlands. 

You can order yours and support the cause until the last week of April. The beers will be delivered personally. 


Support the mission: Order your beer!

More information

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