Are you a first-year student who is on track with your study and wants to invest some extra time and effort into something new? Then Honours is just the thing for you! This will help you get more out of yourself and your studies by broadening or deepening your knowledge. It’s fun and a great way to boost your personal and professional development.
Honours education at Saxion runs parallel to your standard study programme starting in year two and lasts three years. Honours education lets you broaden or deepen your knowledge (or both!). The programme is open to students from all study programmes.
Profile of an Honours student
You don’t have to be the ‘best in the class’. You do have to be prepared to put in some extra time and effort. Together we are going to find where your drive and passion lie. You will not only discover what you are good at, but will also develop your professional skills and personal talents.
Study load
The estimated study load of Honours education is equivalent to 30 credits (ECTS), distributed over several years (one or two mornings or afternoons per week). However, the ECTS you obtain in Honours are not counted as ECTS that you require for your bachelor’s degree programme. If you complete the programme successfully, have studied within the official time period with no delays and have obtained a good graduation grade*, then a distinction will be added to your degree certificate. Honours education does not affect the duration of your bachelor’s degree programme and should you stop before the end of the programme for whatever reason, this will have no impact on your standard bachelor’s degree programme.
* You have to obtain a minimum of 7 in your standard graduation process. For some study programmes this is one product, for example a thesis. For other study programmes graduation consists of multiple assessments with an average weighted mark of at least 7.
Embark on your personal Honours voyage of discovery
In Honours education we work together in the so-called Honours Learning Space. This learning space includes all subjects that are highly interesting and relevant, but fall outside the scope of normal education. What’s available in the learning space comes from both inside and outside Saxion. In terms of subjects, these include the likes of Eudres, City Deal, Buddy to Buddy, but also diverse festivals and conferences. Also the way in which education is given is different to regular education. For example, workshops, projects, research, interesting guest speakers and assignments. In short: the possibilities are endless, just as long as they fit with the Honours principle*. Together with your cluster, you are responsible for choosing a particular subject or activity.
What is the *Honours principle?
Honours education is a free form of extra challenging education that goes beyond the limits of normal education. Everyone is eligible for the programme, as long as you are motivated and curious. The education serves to broaden and deepen knowledge and the interdisciplinary form allows you to look beyond the boundaries of your own discipline. Honours education is not about regular lessons in a classroom. In collaboration with students from other study programmes, you determine where your interests lie and the path you take.
Honours cluster
The Honours cluster that you will be a part of consists of students with different backgrounds and from different years. Together with this cluster you determine the subjects you prefer and ones that interest you. Clusters do not comprise a standard substantive theme; you get these subjects from the Honours Learning Space. Moreover, you organise with your cluster your own contributions to the learning space. You do this under the supervision of experienced Honours coaches. They also have different backgrounds and expertises. In addition to the customary days with your cluster there are also collective days with all Honours students. For example the so-called ‘challenge days’ or project days. You will of course receive more information about this once you have started.
Days and times
Cluster groups mainly take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the end of the afternoon/early evening. You are expected to join one of these groups. The Honours Learning Space (the various subjects/activities) takes place depending on what is currently on offer.
"The three Honours years broadened my horizons and gave me the opportunity to develop as a person. My peer group helped me understand why I do things the way I do, how I act and how I can grow."
"The words I would use to describe my Honours experience are fantastic, wonderful, difficult, challenging, inspiring and motivating. Three eventful years where I was allowed and able to develop. As a person and as a professional."
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to send an e-mail to [email protected]. You may also contact any of the members of the programme team directly: