Header training Purpose Learning 4 en 5 juni 2024

Training Purpose Driven Learning

Ko Wierenga, M.H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede

Do you want to integrate purpose driven learning in your study programme? Do you want to empower your students on a deeper level? Are you searching for ways how to do this? Do you feel limited time for designing and prototyping? Do you want to connect with like-minded educational professionals?

‘Unlock student’s potential for societal challenges’

To explore your deepest motive. To develop yourself toward the meaning you may have in the world and an education that helps you pursue it. Whether studying engineering, economics or health, isn’t that what all educators wish for their students? But how to design education that makes this possible? In this two-day training programme you will find out, by experience and thoughtful interaction.

This two-day training programme (4 and 5 June) takes place at Saxion UAS in Enschede, The Netherlands

The first day guides you through the framework and designing principles of Purpose Driven Education. The second day will be dedicated to designing your own educational concepts in a pressure cooker. In small groups, you will share and shape your ideas for your institution. You will make use of the expertise and feedback of the whole group to come up with a first concept. In addition, this is the perfect event for you and your institution to create a network and perhaps even design a joint purpose driven course or semester.

Creating education is not something we have to do all by ourselves. By bringing people together, we can bridge gaps and find smarter ways for designing future education. In fact, this is not just a training. Combining educational dreams and appreciation of each other’s talents will contribute all of us to help strengthen education in Europe. This training can be a starting point for a strong community to foster sustainable future cooperation between education programmes and universities.

Following this training, another event will take place on our campus: the International Honours Conference 'Unleashing Potential.' This two-day event (June 6 and 7) is particularly suitable for gaining even more inspiration regarding innovative education. See further details on this page.

Join our City as Text tour (June 5th) in Enschede

Register here

This training is open for lecturers, educational designers, educational consultants, innovators. In fact, this training is open to everyone who works in higher education and looks for inspiration, new insights, concrete tools and concept (curriculum) ideas to bring back home.

The training programme will be offered in English.

If this information and the event are of interest to colleagues within your institution, please feel free to forward it. In doing so, we can reach a larger audience and collectively create an impactful experience.

Tuesday 4 June

8:30 – 9:00 

Registration and walk-in

9:00 – 12:30 

Check-in, intentions and expectations.
Imagine the future: what is your dream for education? EYE-model to integrate professional and personal development and making impact in society. The essentials and framework to work towards a more purpose driven curriculum.

12:30 – 13:30    Lunch 
13:30 – 17:30   

From imagination towards action Various interventions to work in small group on shared ideas and thoughts. Here you work together with other like-minded gamechangers te create a new concept based on purpose driven learning (PDL)
Lecture on learning arche design. Learning Arches is a visual method for creative defining, designing, delivering and discovering learning experiences and journeys that unfold and build ownership, craft, talent and mastery whilst sustaining the flow, transparency, challenge and impact.

Time tbc  Dinner in the city center of Enschede 

Wednesday 5 June

8:30 – 9:00 Walk-in 
9:00 – 12:30     

Inspiration sessions
Internal Development Goals (IDG’s) and tools
Cluster group discussions on WHY, WHAT, HOW
Catch up on your learning intention
Share and present each WHY, WHAT, HOW

12:30 – 13:30    Lunch
13:30 – 17:30   

Integration EYE-model and IDG’s
Creation arche type models by cluster groups
Pitch en feedback loops
Final closing and wrap up

Evening (optional) Network drink together with participants of the International Honours Conference. Click here for more information on this event.


Join our City as text tour in Enschede - 700 years full of history

City as text is literally 'reading' the city. But it's a 'close-reading,' aimed at obtaining a multitude of perspectives ('interpretations') of the city. Often, we only superficially observe the city: streets, houses, squares, beautiful/ugly buildings. But there is much more: people, sometimes influenced by their workplaces or living situations, sometimes by the buildings or the environment. By carefully observing a small piece, questioning it, and using all five senses, a rich image of that part of the city emerges. And when we are in a large group, we divide into small groups across the city, thereby gathering a rich picture of Enschede! 

So, come join us! Choose your district (Horstlanden-Stadsweide, Pathmos or Roombeek) beforehand, immerse yourself in its details, and then share your insights with fellow participants.

Date and time: June 5th, 10:30 am – 5:30 pm

Participation is free, but lunch and drinks are not provided. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and dress appropriately for the weather. Beforehand you can choose out of three districts.

Please register here

When you attend a training, you often gain a lot of inspiration and ideas to work with. However, once you're back, you quickly get caught up in the daily grind again. This has been our own experience as well. Changing and innovating education can sometimes be challenging. It requires perseverance and, certainly, celebrating successes and (small) breakthroughs. That's why we also want to explore with the participants a follow up. To support each other in further developing ideas and concepts within your educational institution. By doing this, we can help and inspire each other. Therefore, you can also consider this training as a starting point for a breeding ground of educational innovation. Where you can brainstorm, share ideas, and support each other further.

Event location

The training will take place at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Campus Enschede. Enschede is a regional city in the Eastern part of The Netherlands. You can easily book your stay in a hotel on walking distance from Saxion.

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
M.H. Tromplaan 28
7513 AB Enschede
The Netherlands

Suggestions for your stay InterCityHotel Enschede (600 m), Van der Valk Hotel Enschede (2.7 km) and Fletcher Hotel De Broeierd (3.9 km)

plein ko wierenga


If you have questions or if you need more information about this event, please contact us:

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Fee and registration   

Participation fee, including 2 lunches, 1 dinner, coffee and tea: €350 (excl VAT) 
The participation for EUDRES members is free (fee will be accounted within the consortium). Please register here.

  • Ko Wierenga, M.H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede

  • 4 June 2024 - 08:30 until 5 June 2024 - 17:30