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Anka Mulder’s New Year Speech focuses on the positive effects of the HBO protest against cuts

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In her 2025 New Year’s speech, entitled ‘Out of the darkness into the light’, President of the Saxion Executive Board, Anka Mulder reflects on what the protest against the proposed national cuts in higher education has achieved. The study extension penalty has been scrapped along with the extra cuts in research. The border regions, including Twente, are now exempt from the tighter regulations in the Balanced Internationalisation Act (Wet Internationalisering in Balans). “Together, we demonstrated, lobbied and signed the HBO petition. Our actions have helped. I have to admit that my vision of 2024 was also darker than my vision of 2025. This year, we can get off to a brighter start,” says Mulder.

Below you can read the complete 2025 New Year’s speech by Anka Mulder, President of the Saxion Executive Board:

Out of the darkness into the light

Dear colleagues and students,

For many people - and perhaps for you too - the beginning of a new year is a moment for reflection. Where am I now? What are my plans and resolutions? A year when you might be looking forward to that exciting internship or graduation. A year that will hopefully be a good one for you. A year in which your studies will inspire you to discover your talents. Or, as a staff member, a year in which you enjoy working with your colleagues again. In education, in research, in entrepreneurship and of course in all the support duties which are so important to the running of our university.

Saxion is also on the threshold of a new year. At this time of year, it is always important to ask ourselves what we should be doing to ensure that our university remains strong and healthy for the future. I have to say that this is more complex than it used to be.

We started making significant budget cuts last year. As a consequence of demographics: fewer young people means fewer students and less money. This kind of cut may be logical, but it is far from easy. And at the start of the academic year in September the situation was exacerbated by the national cuts in higher education.

I thought it was a very dark time but we were quick to take action. You, as students and staff, spoke out against the cutbacks and the study extension penalty and in favour of a good deal for international students. We want to continue welcoming international students. And certainly in our Eastern Netherlands border region, we need the power of their ideas and input just as much as we need that of Dutch students. Together, we demonstrated, lobbied and signed the HBO petition.

And our actions have helped. First of all, the study extension penalty has been scrapped. I am extremely happy about this, because it will be a relief for our students. Furthermore, there will be no cuts to our research. As for international students: the five border regions of the Netherlands, including Twente, are being spared. These changes make our future look much brighter. We stood side-by-side to make them happen. I have to admit that my vision of 2024 was also darker than my vision of 2025. This year, we can get off to a brighter start.

It is important that pupils, students, businesses and organisations in the Eastern Netherlands can continue to rely on Saxion in the future. If you want to follow an associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree programme in the Eastern Netherlands, we are here for you. Also if you want to become an entrepreneur. Or if your business or organisation wants to work with our researchers: we have strong roots in our region. We have a long held tradition of always responding to the needs of our home region. And we will continue to do so in 2025. We look at Enschede, Deventer and Apeldoorn from our strong roots. You already know that we have started expanding our range of courses in Apeldoorn. We are providing more part-time education, associate and master’s degrees across the spectrum. To move with a changing world that demands different types of education. And our research, that is also continuing to grow.

In the New Year’s video you can see a midwinter horn. An ancient instrument traditionally used during the darkest months of the year. To blow warm, natural notes. A sound that can be heard from miles away. It has something magical. You don’t start blowing straight away, first you listen. Then you spread the message in your own way. From blower to blower, through the dark night. To me, it represents the idea that each sound is unique, but together goes further. Or, as our Saxion slogan says: Be unique. Let’s grow together.

Sadly, this will be my last New Year’s address to you. As such, I would like to emphasise more than ever that I have enormous confidence in the strength of our applied university, both in 2025 and beyond. That Saxion remains the applied university of the region. Steadfast in a constantly changing world, also in the year ahead. Strong, with resilience, pride and all the talent present at Saxion. Including everything that you contribute. In times of darkness and light.

I wish you, our colleagues and students, a very happy 2025.

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