Symposium Experiencing ethical impact through eduLARP
This inspiring day is dedicated to The Lifetimer, an innovative educational Live Action Role Play (eduLARP). The central question is whether eduLARP is a new approach to prepare our students for the ethical challenges of tomorrow's technologies?
This immersive day is dedicated to The Lifetimer, an innovative educational Live Action Role Play (eduLARP). The eduLARP is designed to engage participants in the societal and ethical implications of emerging technologies—in this case, The Lifetimer, a fictional healthcare app that calculates exact life expectancy based on personal health data. Through this role-playing experience, students are confronted with profound questions: How can a technology reshape societal norms and values? What are the consequences of unequal access to groundbreaking tools? How can we responsibly design technologies for an inclusive society?
The programm of this day:
9:00 AM – 12:30 PM (eduLARP)
Step into the world of The Lifetimer. Play out the scenarios, debates, and dilemmas faced by a society grappling with this technology's profound implications.
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
1:30 PM – 4:30 PM (plenary, discussion with closing drinks
Gain deeper insights into the potential of eduLARP as a teaching method, into the design and mechanics of The Lifetimer and its implementation in education.
Registration is possible until 31 maart via this link. For additional information, please contact Linda Hiemstra: [email protected].
We look forward discussing with you the impact of The Lifetimer!