
Saxion receives subsidy for personal AI study coach sAxI

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Last year, the idea was first pitched at the 3-day AI hackathon at the University of Twente (UT): an empathic AI study coach called sAxI [saxi] that students can turn to 24/7 with all their questions. The six Saxion colleagues who came up with the idea of sAxI won the hackathon. The team’s next step was to request a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). It has since been announced that Saxion has been awarded this subsidy. This means that sAxI can be developed further and a first prototype can be created.

About sAxI, the AI study coach

The idea of developing an AI study coach was initially inspired by a problem that many students will be familiar with: you have a question but you have absolutely no idea where to look for an answer. As a (new) student you enter a world full of new information, but what is relevant for you? What do you need and when do you need it? And how do you know when you need something? Students can turn to various ‘sources’, such as a study coach, the Student Support Centre and MySaxion using the search engine. And how do you know when you need to be somewhere? And if you have a question you want an answer as soon as possible. Sometimes students find it difficult to ask for help. That is why sAxI is a good solution for them. This AI study coach is available 24 hours a day,7days a week to help them find the answers they need.

In the video below, two of sAxI’s initiators explain what this AI study coach is all about.

What is the next step?

Today the sAxI prototype is being presented to representatives from OCW as part of a celebratory launch of a year that will see the further design and development of sAxI.

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