The Ideal Cross-Border Employee: Research into Euregional Competences
What is the profile of the ideal cross-border employee? What skills are required in the cross-border labour market? And what do employers need? What are the reasons for hiring employees from the neighbouring country—or not? Why is this successful or not, and what do businesses need to retain them? These questions are being addressed in the research, conducted as part of the Interreg VI project 'Euregionale doorlopende leerlijn' (EDL).
The Saxion research group Employability Transition is doing research on cross-border competences together with ROC van Twente, DNL-contact, Hochschule Osnabrück, and Universität Münster. During a project meeting at Saxion, the research team provided updates, examples, and initial findings.
“The research is divided into several phases”, explained Dr Ines Schell-Kiel, Cora van Triest, and Jacqueline ten Voorde-Bovendeert from the research group. The first phase, a quick scan, has been completed. “Using desk research and input from experts, we have started to develop a profile of the ideal cross-border employee. Additionally, we conducted a survey among Dutch and German employers.” These findings will serve as the foundation for the next phase: in-depth interviews with employers and employees in the cross-border region.
The study also incorporates models and experiences from other Dutch-German projects. During the meeting, ROC van Twente presented their work on Euregionale kenniswerkplaatsen. This project focuses on connecting and integrating education with the labour market in the border region. The Rijnland Institute elaborated on their developed competency model. “This existing knowledge is highly valuable for our research. By collaborating with partners, we can learn a great deal from each other”, the researchers noted.
During the project meeting, a new translation technology called TINT was used. Spoken text was instantly translated on screens, providing excellent support for the cross-border Euregio principle: ‘Everyone in their own language’.
More about the EDL-project
EuregioThe EDL-project is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund. The following Interreg partners have also contributed: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Province of Overijssel on the Dutch side and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate and Energy NRW (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klima und Energie NRW) on the German side.