
6 reasons to study at Saxion

Portrait of Noemie Villard
Noémie Villard Reading time Minutes

You are probably orientating and comparing different universities of applied sciences before making your choice and finally applying. So, what makes Saxion different? We already made a list of our strengths for you!

1. You want to learn with a practical approach and get a strong bond with the professional field

Saxion is a university of applied sciences (HBO in Dutch). You will learn through a practice-based approach and build practical experience. At Saxion we deploy problem-driven learning, and our study projects are developed in tight collaboration with the working field. Part of the education is based on internships, which prepare you to enter today’s job market. Have a look at the differences between a university of applied sciences and a research university.

2. You want to finance your studies with a scholarship or a study loan

If you are a student coming from outside the European Union, there are possibilities to obtain a scholarship. It is important to check the eligibility criteria, application deadlines and required documentation for each scholarship. Have a look at Saxion’s scholarship possibilities or see if you are eligible for a study loan.

3. You want access to housing

Our campus locations are Apeldoorn, Deventer and Enschede, which are lively cities in the east of the Netherlands. This area provides a bubbly city life with cheaper housing than the rest of the country. Also, Saxion offers its own housing possibilities for first-year students, from EU and non-EU! 

4. You are looking for good support services

We have a diverse staff of lecturers and advisors who are dedicated to helping each of our students succeed. Classrooms are small and the relationship between students and lecturers is informal, allowing you to ask questions and get personal guidance. This is Saxion’s personal touch: a genuine contact between students, staff members and lecturers, all willing to help you succeed in your studies. From Saxion's onboarding programme to landing on the job market, we accompany you throughout your journey as a student.

5. You want to reach the campus easily and study in excellent facilities

All campus locations are within walking distance from train stations: easy to travel to and from Saxion, to other cities and even other countries! Each campus has its own supermarket and at least one canteen. Are you curious about our labs? Have a look at our lab page and see our offer: health and wellbeing lab, textile lab, mechatronics lab, XR lab, beton lab, 3D printing... and many more!

Our campus locations are within the heart of innovative Europe, nesting innovative industries for more than 100 years. It is now housing startups and offers promising career prospects.

6. You are looking for an international community

We understand that studying abroad can be a challenging and intimidating experience, which is why we offer a range of support services for our international students, starting right from the start! These include help with landing smoothly in the Netherlands and at Saxion, finding housing, succeeding in your study and entering the job market. You can also join a student association and take part in our activities for international students during summer and winter break. Saxion is an open community for one and all, a genuine second home for our international students!

7. You want to visit Europe while studying

Saxion is a member of E³UDRES², an alliance between several European universities of applied sciences. A hackathon in Hungary, a Living Lab in Austria, a Bootcamp in Latvia, or doing a master's across three campuses, that's what E³UDRES² offers to students!

Be unique. Let's grow together.

Portrait of Noemie Villard

Noémie Villard

Noémie is a Creative Content Specialist at Saxion, with special attention to international students.

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