17-02-2022 Coronavirus update: Relaxation of corona restrictions
It was announced during the corona press conference held on Tuesday, 15 February, that the Netherlands will be opening up again. This is due to the fact that we are getting better at dealing with corona and that by now many people have had a corona jab or been infected. This means we can also relax restrictions at Saxion.
This means that:
As of Friday, 25 February you no longer have to wear a facemask at Saxion. Please note: for the time being facemasks are still compulsory in public transport.
As of Friday, 25 February you no longer have to maintain a social distance of 1.5 metres.
The maximum group size of 75 people in an educational space is being scrapped. As the timetables for term 2 have already been made, we first have to look at when we can start timetabling larger groups in educational spaces again.
You should still self-test twice a week if you are coming to Saxion. You can still order free self-tests until 1 June at http://www.zelftestonderwijs.nl/.
Keep to the hygiene rules to prevent the spreading of coronavirus. Wash your hands regularly, cough and sneeze in your elbow and don’t shake hands.
If you have symptoms stay at home and get tested at the GGD.
Change to quarantine rules
Do you have corona symptoms and/or have been in the vicinity of someone with corona/corona symptoms? Or do you or a housemate have a positive corona self-test? Then you probably wonder what you have to do: go into quarantine or not? The government has developed a quarantine check to help you quickly find out what you should do in your situation.
Binding study advice (BSA) first years
In line with national agreements, the Executive Board has decided that first-year students will have an extra year to obtain the compulsory credits (the BSA standard), just like in the past two years. This intended decision is now before the CMR for approval. More information about this will follow shortly.