Alumnus Carlijn found a job by using the innovation platform
The innovation platform is a cooperation between ROC van Twente, Heracles Almelo, regional governments and businesses. The aim of the platform is to connect education with the business sector. Carlijn Ruijs (in the middle of the picture above) graduated last summer from the International Business program. She did this with the help of the innovation platform, which also led to her current job at Sekisui Kasai. "If you see something passing by that really suits you: just go for it!"
Hi Carlijn, when did you start at Saxion and what study programme did you do?
"In 2016 I started studying International Business and Languages (nowadays International Business). Due to Covid-19, I had some delays around my thesis research, but a while ago I happened to receive the news that I graduated after a long wait."
You graduated by making use of the innovation platform. How did you join the platform?
"I didn't start directly by making use of the innovation platform, but as a matter of fact I rolled into it by accident. In my fourth year I took the minor Conscious Business, where you participate in different events, including the 'Global Jams Days'. During this event, companies come up with a problem to be solved by students. This included the company Sekisui Kasei Europe BV and I went to solve their problem. In the end, we couldn't solve it because it was such a big problem, so I asked very directly if they would like me to make this my graduation project. It worked out and then I was informed by teacher Ivar Hageman that they are part of the innovation platform of Heracles Almelo and Saxion."
What is the innovation platform?
"The innovation platform aims to retain talent in Twente (the local region of Saxion). Schools and companies noticed that many recent graduates leave for the bigger cities in the west of the Netherlands for a job, while sometimes the chances and opportunities are bigger in Twente. The purpose of the platform is therefore to link students to companies in the region of Twente."
How did you experience graduating with the help of the innovation platform?
"I experienced this as very pleasant and instructive. When it was still possible before Covid-19, many events were organized that I could attend and I got the chance to get to know many other companies. In addition, you get to know the practical part of your education in a totally different way, which was very pleasant for me."
If you want something, go for it and don't be afraid to ask. Don't let things come to you, but if something crosses your path that might really suits you: just go for it!
What does your current job entail?
"So I graduated at Sekisui Kasei Europe BV and I was allowed to continue my work at this company. I currently work as an inside sales representative, which means that I am responsible for sales, telephone and mail contact with customers and suppliers, transport, a bit of purchasing and where necessary I make sure that production continues."
What do you like most about your work?
"The fact that my work is so diverse. My days are never the same. In addition, I graduated in four languages and I can still use them daily."
What is the most special thing you have experienced in your career so far?
"The very first week of my graduation period within the company, I was allowed to go on a business trip. This was all just before Covid-19. In this way I could see up close what the company made and how everything worked. This experience gave me a clear insight of our customers and the company itself, but also allowed me to get to know my colleagues. It was an amazing experience."
What is the most valuable experience you gained during your studies at Saxion?
"At the top of the list is, of course, my internship abroad. For my studies it was mandatory to go abroad for at least one semester, because you are expected to build up international knowledge. I was able to do a very nice marketing internship in a nice place and if I had the time I could go out on the weekends. Of course it's mostly a fun experience, but the hard work also helped me a lot with what I wanted and didn't want in my education."
What tips do you have for students who also want to find a great job?
"If you want something, go for it and don't be afraid to ask. Don't let things come to you, but if you see something come along that you think really suits you: go for it immediately. Keep your eyes open and where necessary: involve your network. They assist you and can help you find a great job."