Regiodeal Circulair Textiel Twente

Regiodeal circulair textiel twente


Regiodeal Circulair Textiel Twente is a joint initiative of Stichting TexPlus, Twente Milieu NV, Frankenhuis BV, SaXcell BV, Enschede Textielstad Innovatie BV, Regionaal Textielsorteercentrum Twente BV and Saxion, made possible by Regio Twente, the Province of Overijssel and the National Government.

This program aims at making the textile chain more sustainable, using new technologies in which textile wastes are processed into new products, but also means to influence consumer behavior in (re) use of textile. The ultimate goal is to bring production and logistics back to the Region.

Saxion conducts research into possibilities for a transparent value chain in which textile waste is the raw material for new products. Saxion is investing in a knowledge center and infrastructure for processing on a lab and pilot scale, and testing and analyzing post-consumer textiles for high-quality yarns.


The project runs from 2019 till 2022.

More information

For more information about the project regiodeal circulair textiel Twente, contact Jan Mahy.