Innovative bra to reduce breast edema after breast cancer
Treatments for edema in the breast are painful, intensive and costly. In this KIEM project, we are investigating whether we can develop a bra that can reduce or prevent edema.
About one in five women who survive breast cancer, develop (lymph)edema. Edema is an accumulation of fluid in a part of the body and can have very serious consequences for daily life. Treatments are painful for patients, long, intensive and costly. In addition, treatments mainly focus on arms and legs, and not on the breast. Special compression bras or inlay pads that are available on the market do not work sufficiently or are so voluminous that daily use is actually impossible.
Project goals
The focus of this KIEM project is to research innovative textiles suitable for a bra that can reduce and/or prevent breast edema after breast cancer. In addition, we set up a research plan aimed at measuring the effect of the bra, in which the role of various healthcare professionals is essential. The collaboration between Bratelle, ISKO, Vechtstreek Physiotherapy, de Witte Vlinder Physiotherapy and the Smart Health and Sustainable & Functional Textiles research groups offers new possibilities and insights. The aim is also to further expand the consortium with practical professionals and suppliers of textile materials.
This project can mean a breakthrough for innovative textile materials with medical applications, specifically for the treatment of edema. By using high-tech equipment at Saxion, new concepts or materials can be developed that are 'scalable'. Developments of innovative materials such as special compression fabrics from ISKO Medical, in combination with confection techniques, can also lead to new insights and expertise.
Project duration
The project runs from November 2022 untill October 2023.
More information
For more information about the project ‘Innovative bra to reduce breast edema after breast cancer’, please contact Laura Erkens.

Partners and subsidy providers
This project is a collaboration between Bratelle, ISKO Medical, Vechtstreek Physiotherapy, de Witte Vlinder Physiotherapy and the Saxion research groups Sustainable & Functional Textiles and Smart Health. The project is subsidized by Regieorgaan Sia.

ISKO Medical
ISKO Medical
Witte Vlinder Fysiotherapie
Witte Vlinder Fysiotherapie
Vechtstreek Fysiotherapie
Vechtstreek Fysiotherapie