The BIOFOS project aims to develop a simple, fast, low-cost, sensitive, portable and reliable, screening tool for in-situ detection of food contaminations in nuts, olive oil and milk and also for the quantitative detection of lactose in milk. This biosensor will be of high-added value and will have to be reusable, based on optical interference and lab-on-a-chip (LoC) technology. In order to achieve these targets, BIOFOS will combine the most promising concepts from the photonic, biological, nanochemical and fluidic parts of LoC systems, aiming to overcome limitations related to sensitivity, specificity, reliability, compactness and cost issues.

Project partners BIOFOS

  1. Instituut voor Communicatie & Computer Systems / Nationale Technische Universiteit van Athene (ICCS / NTUA Griekenland)
  2. Lionix (Nederland)
  3. Centre Suisse d' Electronique et de Microtechnique SA (Zwitserland)
  4. Universite de Perpignan Via Domita (Frankrijk)
  5. Bioacademy van Athene (Griekenland)
  6. Surfix (Nederland)
  7. Universiteit van Wageningen (Nederland)
  8. IRTA (Spanje)
  9. Saxion (Nederland)
  10. Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches (Spanje).

The Saxion Nanotechnology chair (in cooperation with Lionix and IRTA) is responsible for the functional testing of the optical chips

Functional testing optical chips

The Saxion Nanotechnology chair (in cooperation with Lionix and IRTA) is responsible for the functional testing of the optical chips. More specifically the optical chips will be characterized in terms of overall sensor sensitivity, power-splitting of the input light by a MMI coupler and efficiency of the applied optical coupling methods. Saxion is also responsible for the electronic read-out system for the above described characterization process.

Duration BIOFOS

The BIOFOS project runs until 31st January 2017.

More information

More information can be found on the BIOFOS website or contact Gerard Heesink: 


Gerard Heesink

Senior reseacherlecturer NanoPhysics

+31 (0)88 - 019 1615 linkedin