Stelsel B&B (bewaken en beveiligen)


Sensor technology, safety, video analysis

Program objectives

Politicians, lawyers and witnesses to crimes are threatened by criminals in the Netherlands and worldwide and therefore need personal protection from the police, temporarily or permanently. The number of 'persons to be protected' has also increased in recent years, which creates extra pressure. This project examines how the monitoring and protection center (MBB) could work more efficiently. For example, by drawing attention to moving images, but also by detecting deviant behavior. Research is being conducted to detect deviant behavior using 'The green village' in Delft. A sensing lab is being set up here. Saxion works together with other knowledge institutions and students to increase the efficiency of the monitoring and security system.

Using deep learning, a model is developed to classify different objects, resulting in a working prototype of the algorithm.


Saxion research group Technologies for Criminal Investigations 


May 2022 – January 2024

More information

For more information contact: 

Tatiana Goering.jpeg

dr. Tatiana Goering-Zaburnenko


06 - 2011 3941 LinkedIn


De Politie Academie