

Sustainable and Integrated Energy Systems in Local Communities

The aim of the SERENE project is to develop and demonstrate sustainable, integrated, cost-effective and customer-centric solutions for local communities. The idea is to integrate different energy system carriers and new renewable generation units in the local communities based on their social and technical status today to meet their energy needs in the coming years. The users has to be involved in the changes of the energy system and be informed about different technical opportunities and business cases to make decisions about their participation. Depending on the actual site, the new energy system involve different storage technologies (battery energy storages, heat storages, water storage-systems), demand response systems to enhance the flexibility of the systems (activating for instance electric vehicle charging stations and heat demand supplies), electric transportation systems like electrical vehicles or buses, heating system improvements using heat-pumps and integration of new renewable generation sources mainly in form of photo voltaics.

The SERENE project will establish demonstrations in local villages in three European countries - Denmark, The Netherlands and Poland. The experiences gained at the demonstration sites will be analyzed and evaluated for replicability in firstly Europe but also world wide. Technical benchmark models and solutions will be set up together with their business models, and it is evaluated how different legal aspects form the involved countries will affect the possibility for replication. Further, the needed user involvement and their interest to join are evaluated seen from both geographic, social, environmental and economic conditions and characteristics.

Saxion research group

In collaboration with the Saxion research group on sustainable energy, The Research group AMI is contributing to the Dutch pilot. The demonstrator in the Netherlands involves two demonstration sites, the community Aardehuizen with 24 houses and neighborhood Vriendenerf that consists of 12 houses, both are part of the village of Olst. The overall goal of the demonstrators here is to implement solutions to enhance smartening of the electricity grid in the area with electric boilers, electric vehicles, battery storage (Aardehuizen), and heat pumps (Vriendenerf).

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AALBORG UNIVERSITET DK (coordinator), Skanderborg Kommune, Fagsekretariatet Børn og Unge Denmark, AURA Energi Amba DK, NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES APS DK, SUNTHERM APS DK, Bjerregaard Consulting Aps. DK, UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE NL, STICHTING SAXION NL, Vereniging Aardehuis Oost Nederland NL, Loqio Services B.V. NL, INSTYTUT MASZYN PRZEPLYWOWYCH IM ROBERTA SZEWALSKIEGO POLSKIEJ AKADEMIINAUK - IMP PAN PL, Gmina Przywidz PL, ENERGA OPERATOR SA PL and STAY-ON Pawel Grabowski PL.


The project starts May1st 2021 and takes 4 years.

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Javier Ferreira Gonzalez.jpg

dr. Javier Ferreira Gonzalez

Associate lector

06 - 5714 7783 LinkedIn

dr. ir. Wouter Teeuw

Lector Ambient Intelligence

06 - 2091 7481 Profiel
Profielfoto Richard van Leeuwen

dr. ir. Richard van Leeuwen

Lector Sustainable Energy Systems

06 - 1089 2455 Profiel


The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957682

vlag europa


"MODULAR COMPONENTS OF INTEGRATED LOCAL ENERGY SYSTEMS", a socio-technical compendium of fact sheets on how to 'do' local energy transition, has been released by SERENE H2020 project, see the Link.
