Saxion is the first university of applied sciences to have a 3D metal printer as the connecting technology between research and education.
Within the 3DMP BIZ1, project five companies, together with research group Industrial Design, initiated and conducted a true exploration of the possibilities, strengths and weaknesses of 3D metal printing. The aim of the project was to increase the knowledge in the field of 3D metal printing in the east region. To this end, applied business cases were carried out with participating companies, such as 3Dealise, Aebi Schmidt, Herwi, PM Bearings, Protyp BV and Thales Nederland BV.
Results include design and production guidelines, redesigns, business cases, selection tool.
In the ongoing follow-up project 3DMP BIZ2, we move towards more complex business cases that are introduced by the participating partners: Aeronamic, AWL, PM Aerotec, Thales Nederland BV and Z-tech Solutions BV.