
Cross Border Talent

Cross Border Talent (CBT) supports the international ambitions of entrepreneurs in the Euregio through the efforts of students. Students will conduct research for a Dutch or German SME on a cross-border research question. After that, the students will implement the recommendations based on their research during a traineeship under the supervision of an experienced export coach.

General information

The Saxion Export Center is looking for students that are internationally oriented, specifically towards Germany. Are you interested in gaining international work experience and do you want a graduation assignment for a business in Germany? Then the CBT might be perfect for you. During the programme you will work for a German business that has a research assignment connected to the Dutch market. Following your research, you will have the opportunity to research an international business problem and then put your recommendations into action during a 6-month traineeship. For the duration of the programme you will be assisted by an experienced export professional who will help you to learn and to develop into an international professional.


If you are accepted to the programme we will search for a suitable business/assignment according to your wishes and ambitions. When you are satisfied with the proposition, we will introduce your profile to the business. When both parties are satisfied we will set up an introduction meeting. If this meeting was positive for both you and the business, you can start graduating!


During the graduation phase of the CBT, two supervisors will be assigned to you. When this phase is completed, the external coach will become the sole supervisor. The manner of supervision is different for every student and will, on your initiative, be discussed with the supervisor. The supervisor will support your learning and developing process into an international professional for the duration of the traineeship.

Application and conditions

We are looking for students that are interested in an international career and would like graduate with international research questions from German enterprises. During your application we pay attention to your personality, your study progress and your knowledge and experience on the subjects of marketing, export, sales and innovation. Knowledge of the German language is not a requirement, although it is definitely an advantage to successfully graduate and perform your traineeship.

Examples of suitable studies:

  • International Business
  • Commerciele Economie
  • Hoger Toeristisch & Recreatief Onderwijs
  • Hogere Hotelschool
  • Facility Management
  • Technische Bedrijfskunde
  • (International) Human Resource Management
  • Elektrotechniek
  • Werktuigbouwkunde
  • Bedrijfskunde

If you are interested, please send your CV, a passport photograph, grade list and a motivation letter to  [email protected].

General information

Cross Border Talent is a project for SME entrepreneurs from all branches that are located in the Euregio. Do you see opportunities for your business on the Dutch or German market or do you have another international research question in relation to the Dutch or German market for which you could use the support of a student? Then the Cross Border Talent might be the solution for you.

A student will graduate with an international research question for 6 months. After that, the student will implement their findings based on their research as a trainee within your business. The student will be intensively trained and coach by teachers from Saxion and experienced export managers for the duration of the programme.


The selection of graduates is based on a profile sketch created in accordance with your preferences. Depending on your international ambition and specific demands linked to the research assignment, we select a talented student based on their skills, career goals and personality who fits within your business. When both parties are satisfied with the match, the student can start on their graduation assignment.

If you are interested in Cross Border Talent, please contact project leader Sascha Leuftink at [email protected].

The Cross-Border Talent programme is supported by an INTERREG project subsidy. The contribution for participating in this programme is €2.000 (exl. VAT). This price includes the recruitment, matching, workshops and professional support by an external export manager. The compensation that the student will receive during the graduation phase (6 months) and during the trainee phase (6 months) will be agreed upon by you and the student.

Cross-Border Talent is an INTERREG project, through which educational and employers organizations stimulate cross border innovations. The financing was established through joint contributions by project partners, businesses and European, national and regional subsidies. INTERREG is part of the Euregio.