Do you have a problem or a complaint about Saxion? Then don’t keep it to yourself, but report it. We are trying to improve the way we work every day. Below you can find out what to do with your complaint.
Meldpunt Klacht en Geschil (MKG)
Firstly, always report your complaint as close to its origins as possible. In many cases your complaint can already be resolved at school level. And if that doesn’t work? Or if you are dissatisfied about how the school dealt with your complaint? Then you should contact the MKG. They will initiate the process for handling complaints. After receiving your complaint, the MKG ensures that the appropriate department or person handles your complaint.
Please note: You can read how this works in the Academieregeling Studenten klachten (ASK). You can find these regulations in the Self-service Portal.
You can also contact the MKG if you don’t agree with a decision affecting you. This is referred to as a dispute. The MKG ensures that your dispute is handled by the College van Beroep voor de Examens (Cobex) or the Geschillenadviescommissie (GAC) depending on the nature of the decision.
You can contact a student counsellor for assistance and advice when submitting an objection. Submitting a complaint / objection / appeal to the MKG
College van Beroep (Cobex)
Did you make a request, to the Examination Board for example, that has been rejected and you don’t agree with this? Then you have the option of appealing against the Examination Board’s decision to the Cobex, within 6 weeks of the original decision being made known. You may also appeal to the Cobex against a decision made by a lecturer/examiner or a head/director. Should you not agree with Cobex’s ruling, then you can also appeal against this decision to the Raad van State.
Here you can see all rulings made by the Cobex.
Geschillenadviescommissie (GAC)
For decisions where it is not possible to lodge an appeal, there is the option of filing an objection with the GAC. For example, when this concerns a dispute about your enrolment for a study programme or a tuition fee refund. The GAC advises the Executive Board on the decision to be taken, after which the Executive Board makes its decision. Should you not agree with the Executive Board’s decision, then you can also appeal against this decision to the Raad van State.
- Regulations Concerning the Ombudsperson
- Complaints procedure for inappropriate behaviour
- Regulation for Reporting (suspected) misconduct and infringement of EU law (Whistleblower Policy)
- Reglement van Orde College van Beroep voor de examens (English version is coming soon!)
- Dispute Arbitration Committee Regulations
Do you have a complaint about or want to report inappropriate behaviour? For more information go to the page on Personal safety.