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Smart Talk

Saxion is filling a report for identity abuse and falsified messages relating to inappropriate behaviour

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In recent weeks, Saxion has been confronted with questions from the media based on messages from anonymous sources concerning reports of misconduct. Saxion recognises a pattern in these that reflect a distressing case that occurred at the applied university last year. The questions are stirring up emotions and causing anxiety among those previously involved who have also been approached by the media. This has led to Saxion reporting identity abuse and falsified reporting of inappropriate behaviour.

In the case to which Saxion refers, an investigation was carried out at the time as a result of the reported intimidation. This showed that messages were distributed under the name of particular employees and a student that were not created or sent by them. These messages contain falsified information about alleged inappropriate behaviour. This is unacceptable and the misuse of their identity and the spread of demonstrably falsified information has had a major impact on these employees and the student concerned.

The case took place from the end of 2022 to the autumn of 2023. There was also a complaint lodged by an employee. Mid 2023 a complaint was reported concerning misconduct. Saxion attaches great importance to the fact that its employees can do their work in an environment where they feel safe. In a culture where such behaviour is not tolerated. This is why Saxion took immediate steps after the report to investigate it fully as well as taking actions to ensure a safe environment and provide care to those involved. The complaint has been processed by the Saxion Complaints Committee and ultimately withdrawn by the complainant themselves. Saxion cannot elaborate on this further in order to protect the privacy of those involved.

In the autumn of 2023, the situation appeared to be resolved and over. It now appears that this is not the case and as such Saxion has decided to report the matter to the police. Questions from the media have understandably stirred up emotions again and caused considerable unrest among staff and former employees. It is therefore very important that the distribution of falsified information stops. Due to the filing of a report and privacy reasons, we cannot make any further substantive statements at this time.

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